Saturday, January 1, 2011

A List of the Universal Laws

Here are all the laws covered in the Book in the order they were presented:
  1. Like begets like.
  2. As you sow so shall you reap.
  3. The spirit of your actions multiplies the results.
  4. Like attracts like.
  5. opposites repel.
  6. As you seek, you attract and are attracted to that which will fulfill your search.
  7. As you seek, you repel and are repelled by that which will not fulfill your search.
  8. Fore ever effect there is a cause.
  9. There is nothing by chance.
  10. Nothing happens by chance; there is a purpose to everything that happens.
  11. As thought, purpose, aim, and desire are set in motion by minds, their effect is as a condition that is.
  12. Know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
  13. God is.
  14. As you honor, respect, and love your own unique individuality, so you honor, respect, and love the individuality of others.
  15. Your true needs, wants, desires, hopes, dreams, wishes, and their fulfillment are as important as those of any other soul in existence.
  16. You must first "save" self if you would "save" another.
  17. As you put the God within first in your life, so you manifest the God you are. 
  18. As you become master of your lower self, so all things, conditions, and elements become subject unto you.
  19. Spirit is the life, mind is the builder, physical is the result.
  20. Life is the experience of your choices.
  21. If you will be my people, I will be your God.
  22. Seek first the spirit within and you will find.
  23. Ask the spirit, with faith, and you will receive.
  24. Knock, with faith in spirit, and the door will be opened.
  25. All exchanges balance.
  26. As you believe, so it becomes for you.
  27. Whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.
  28. Love Transforms.
  29. True giving manifests love.
  30. As you give so it is measured to you again.
  31. As you give you gain in understanding.

Chapter 21: Be the Law

Today is the first of January 2011.  Even after the first decade of 2000 I have a hard time believing it is 2011.  Time seems to be flying by, this past year passing in the blink of an eye.  This is the last chapter of the Your Life:  Why it is the way it is and what you can do about it.  What a journey this has been for me.  
I thought by the end of this book I would have it all figured out, but of course, it is an ongoing process~a journey of growth and will continue as long as I continue to be.

This last chapter discusses how to put it all together.  My work with studying these laws has just begun.  The book notes this is the first of three steps:
1.  Learn the Law
2.  Live the Law
3.  Be the Law
By reading this book I now have a consciousness of the laws.  I am responsible for my life and my own destiny.  I have already had experience with living the laws.   When the opportunity to use the law presents itself, which it will, apply the law in the highest way you can conceive.  Live it day by day, not just acknowledge that the laws exist.  The book discussed in earlier chapters about being in the flow with the purpose of the Universe~this is where inner guidance is required.  You can bring great order to chaos.  
" compliance with laws all things become possible".  This is a state of true freedom where there are no limits.  "The key to true freedom is living the Universal Laws in the highest way.  When you apply the laws in your daily life, the Creative Force works with you."

As you apply the law you become the law.  This chapter explains that "to be the law" is far more than just complying with a law.  It involves making yourself one with the purpose of the Universe, which is a selfless purpose, one coming from love.  This will release your fears and limitations.  I have the potential to live my highest and best, taking the high road for a life fulfilled, one of love, peace and joy.  I believe it is worth it.  

Here is an affirmation by Angela Peregoff that I enjoyed:

"On this day, I will receive all that brings me joy and light and love.  I will not allow this day to destroy my dreams, my hopes, my wants or my desires.  I embrace this day with the fullness of my divinity and not other way shall it be.  For I no longer choose to learn the hard way.  I no longer choose to run into the brick wall in my manifestation, in my creation and in my beliefs.  I choose with the dignity of a Being of Light and with a knowing that whatever I set my thoughts upon in this day, they shall be rendered free and they shall be rendered manifested.  And so it shall be. 

No longer will I harness doubt and allow it to pull me forward into the ruts and the crevices of human living.  but I will fly with winged freedom above what keeps me so limited.  For it is only I and not another that clips the wings of my soul and of my dreams".

I choose the dignity of a Being of Light.  Onward and Upward.