Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Chapter 20: The Laws of Love

"Love is what we are born with.  Fear is what we learn here".  Marianne Williamson

Here I am writing about the second to the last Chapter and we finally get to the laws of love.  Isn't this what really makes the journey worthwhile?  Is there a distinction between types of love? ~maybe a confusion.  Love is of the Spirit, it is creative, it is all giving.  Divine love is universal.  The book states that "Love is the force that uplifts and inspires mankind.  It costs nothing, yet its value cannot be measured by material standards. Love is the dynamic force which brings into manifestation all things.  It is the healing force, the cleansing force, and the force that blesses all things we touch.  With our hearts filled with love we will see only goodness and purity in everybody and everything."

This chapter states the first law of love:  Love Transforms.  It means that no matter what kind of a condition, situation, or relationship you are dealing with, when you bring love to that circumstance of life, it will change, it will be lifted, it will be transformed.  I can think of numerous times in my life that this has been true.  I have been on both the receiving and giving end.  The experience of love is the way in which you sense and touch the Spirit within.  Love is a continual flow. The book states that your full potential is reached when this love is not kept inside of you, but flows outward, generating creativity, healing, peace, beauty, and joy, transforming both your life and those around you.  It is imperative to recognize and to love the source of love within yourself, the Spirit within.  You have an infinite supply within yourself.  You only need to release this power of love.

The second law of love deals with releasing this power stating:  True Giving Manifests Love.  It can be as simple as a smile, as material as contributing a great sum of money.  There are so many ways to give.  It can involve all three levels of the physical, mental, and spiritual.   The purpose for which you give is vital.
The book warns it cannot be for personal gain.  I use to tell the kids if I did some act of service and then complained about it, it negated the service.  As always, you must be in your truth.  Ah to give with no strings attached!  That is the manifestation of true love.

What is unconditional love?  Am I, or are we, as a human being capable of unconditional love on a regular basis?  This means I accept others just as they are, not in spite of what they are~no judgements.  This chapter says the laws of giving will help understand the process.  The first law of giving:  ...As you Give...So it is measured to you Again.  When you focus on loving others, you give them the best that is within you, they begin to feel the potential you have expressed and are inspired to manifest the best within themselves.  This is where the saying "You can never lose anything that really belongs to you, and you can't keep that which belongs to someone else."  

The other law of giving:  As you Give you Gain in Understanding.  When one starts with Spirit there is always an increase.  I think this law can relate to "walking a mile in anothers' shoes".  As I give I can understand better where another is coming from, letting go of judgement and increasing love.

I have personally enjoyed reading people's accounts of near death experiences.  What common theme I appreciated was that love was really the basis of everything.  That we are on this earth to love one another.  By putting in effect the laws of love, the other Universal laws go into effect.  To me, this is no surprise.  Living out of love and not fear has transformed my life.  It is a balance.

The chapter addresses a practical application of love to solving your problems.  This involves three steps for Self-transformation:
1.  Find the message:  what put this difficulty into motion?  Write it down if possible.  Look at the pattern    
     or belief revealed.  Don't judge yourself.  Accept it and move to the next step.
2.  Find the feeling:  let yourself feel what this experience is like.
3.  Bring love to it:  realize you are trying to learn and grow.  Accept and love yourself the way you are.
     Vital to this step is to release any criticism, expectation, or judgment of self or what you should have
      done or not done.
In doing these three steps you have accepted responsibility for the experience, found the lesson, acknowledged your feelings, and accepted them.  You are transforming your consciousness, learning
a higher consciousness.  A more complex situation may take a higher Universal law of mercy, grace, forgiveness or oneness.

I liked the figure at the end of this Chapter which gave a summary of the Universal Laws leading to a Higher Consciousness:

                                                                                  Laws of Love
                                                                           Laws of Faith
                                                                    Laws of Belief
                                                             Law of Balance
                                                      Your Purpose and Ideals
                                               Laws of Guidance
                                        Laws of Attunement
                                 Law of Choice
                         Law of Manifestation
                  Laws of Self

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Chapter 19: Nothing is Impossible

"You are everything that is, your thoughts, your life, your dreams come true.  You are everything you choose to be.  You are as unlimited as the endless universe."~Shad Helmstetter

Chapter 19 talks about how nothing is impossible.  Do I really believe nothing is impossible?  I am sure working on it.  This Chapter states that faith is the key.  I remember a scene in the Indian Jones and the Last Crusade movie where he has to take a leap of faith.  I always wondered if I could really take that step.

The bible in Matthew reads "Whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith." The book chapter states that many of us can recall a time when we asked in prayer, but did not receive what we asked for.  Asking without any faith in the power of Spirit doesn't put the law in operation.  This is where it can get complicated.  If you do pray and ask with faith in Spirit, you bring the Creative Forces into play and the results are assured-IF you have not previously set other laws into operation that counter your request.  So have I set up a karmic condition for myself with a lesson that I need to learn?  The problem may also not resolve in the way in which I want it to resolve.  If I remember that the Universe always operates for the highest and best good for all concerned I can save myself a lot of heartache.  

This chapter goes on to discuss that death is often a healing.  After having worked hospice this summer I believe this.  The Universe is aware that we, as souls, do not die, but are eternal; that the passing of the body is another step forward in our development.  In the Universe sense, death is a positive change.

So how does prayer relate to the Universal Laws?  The chapter defines prayer as a process of attuning yourself to reach a higher point of view-of wholeness, of understanding, of oneness with Spirit.  I think everyone has their own way of praying and I think that is a personal matter.

So what is faith?  The book states faith is simply the ability to perceive that through the infinite power and wisdom of the Spirit within, working through the Universal Laws, nothing is impossible.  By free will you can choose to have two percent faith or 100 percent faith in the infinite possibilities of the Spirit within.  We block faith with doubts and fears.  Again, a reminder that living out of fear instead of love limits us.  How does one get through those fears and doubt?  "We can release the doubts and fears by giving them no energy and no thought, turning instead to Spirit for guidance.  As our mind builds from that base, we can first hope.   Then, as those hopes are realized, we gain confidence in our guidance.  As our confidence grows, we begin to trust.  Then our trust grows.  As we, through experience, see that we can truly trust the Spirit within, we finally realize that as we use our mind directed by Spirit in applying the Universal Laws, nothing is impossible and everything is possible-we have arrived at faith."

It is all about moving to a higher consciousness and to a greater understanding of the Universal Laws.
I agree that I need to bolster my faith when I am faced with a situation that seems impossible with my limited vision.  The book states faith lifts us beyond our limited beliefs, doubts, and fears to the higher dimensions of consciousness.  I know there are times when I have more fear and doubt than faith.  If I become consistent, persistent, and prayerful I can expect things to happen.  The power of expectancy is a stepping stone to developing my faith.  Along with this comes living our faith, believing that we have received and acting in that manner.

So the key to transformation using the Universal Laws goes something like this:

I know, as a spiritual being, I chose to come into the earth with its conditions, in physical bodies, and
with perfect patterns and guidance available for anything I need.  The Universe imposes no limitations, it is only the restraints that I believe in, accept or create for myself.  Onward and Upward.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Chapter 18: Law of Belief

I am beginning to write about the last three chapters of the book.  I know it has been a wonderful journey for myself, one of great awakening.  I know my journey is far from over.  I already have a new book in mind.

What do I believe?   I honestly thought that by my age I would have had it all figured out.  What is wonderful is that my beliefs have evolved with me as I continue on my journey and my quest for knowledge.  I have an understanding now that some of my beliefs have held me back, beliefs I didn't realize I had held so deeply.  This chapter is about the Law of Belief and how it manifests in our lives.

AS YOU BELIEVE, SO IT BECOMES FOR YOU.  As you believe refers to all that you think or feel is true about yourself, any aspect of life, or your understanding of how anything operates.  So my beliefs are the base from which I apply the Universal Laws.  My beliefs are the major determinants in creating every aspect of my life along with being the filter which I screen all that comes through me.  

So what do I believe?  Am I conscious of all I believe?  The answer for me is probably not.  So where do my beliefs come from?  The book lists unconscious programming, previous experiences, all kinds of input, but the truly wonderful news is that the unconscious beliefs that are negative do not have to continue.  Any difficulty is a red flag raised by the Universe to let you know you have a belief that is not in accord with the Universe's flow and love.  The book states I should be thankful for them and seek the lesson each holds for me.  I get this, but sometimes I am not so thankful if I am being honest, especially the difficulties I keep repeating.  I do now know that if I can change this belief I can create greater happiness for myself.

I am prompted to go to a sidebar here.  I know one of the beliefs I held for too many years was that I didn't deserve to be _______, (happy, rich, skinny), you fill in the blank.  BRC has worked a great deal with me on this.  I had to really think why and where did this come from, then I had to accept that I held this belief.  Did I really want to continue to hold this belief?  NO, so let it go, release it.  The book recommends releasing it and substituting a more positive belief.   This new belief you substitute should be in accord with your purpose and ideals.  Check with your inner guidance as to what is best for you. 
If there is deep emotional involvement or trauma, professional counseling may be helpful to release the belief.

How do I transform a belief?  The book offers the following equation:  C + B= A.  That which you can conceive (C), plus that which you can believe (B), is that which you can achieve (A).  If we are attuned to Spirit and believe that it is possible and that it can and will be done.  You do not need to know how you will achieve your goal, trust in step-by-step and day-by-day.  The Universal laws are not limited to material success that we often think of; peace, joy, patience, and love can also be achieved.
This chapter provides a warning for seeking material goals only,  stating that you can, with the powers of the mind and physical effort alone, achieve great wealth and fame, but the price you pay may be enormous.  This need not be.  If your seeking is based on guidance by attunement to Spirit your material and other needs will be met, by law.  Again, you can follow the high road, guided by the Spirit within you, or the low road, guided by your mind and mass-mind consciousness.  This mass-mindedness can be easy to get caught up in, but with awareness and conscious choices I can create the life I want to live.

I read this today and loved it:

May the sun bring you new energy by day.
May the moon softly restore you by night.
May the rain wash away your worries.
May the breeze blow new strength into your being.
May you walk gently through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life.
~Apache Blessing

Monday, November 1, 2010

Chapter 17: Bringing Balance to Your Life

I had the opportunity to visit Santa Fe and Albuquerque last week when BRC had a meeting with the Society of American Foresters.  This statue was in front of the St. Francis of Assisi church in Santa Fe, she was Kateri Tekakwitha, the first American Indian to be promoted to a saint.  I am looking forward to exploring the areas north of Santa Fe sometime.  I could feel a powerful spiritual energy there.

This chapter addresses how to bring balance into your life.  I know this is something I am always striving for.  Every New Year one of my resolutions is to slow down and enjoy the journey.   I know I can get out of balance quickly so what is balance in my life?

The book suggests balance is a state of equilibrium of health on the physical level, fulfillment on the mental level, and joyousness on the spiritual level.  Balancing is handling all aspects of life in a way that results in the greatest good for you and for others.  It goes on to say that what we truly seek-to be the gods and goddesses we can be-is a dynamic balance, a condition in which we are attuned and aware, flexible and capable.  A dynamic balance is one that flexes, moves, shifts, and adjusts to meet new challenges, allows us to learn from them, to change and grow, and through it all to move to a condition of equilibrium regardless of what happens.  As a simple example  I compare this to watching a good volleyball team.  Remember that we are trying to balance all three dimensions even though the physical is the only one visible.

The Law of Balance is founded on the fundamental nature of the Universe which is love.  The law reads: ALL EXCHANGES BALANCE. Any exchange that you make is balanced when what you give is equal to or greater than what you receive.  If you give less than you receive eventually you will have to face that imbalance and deal with it.  I think I often refer to this as Karma.  The criterion for balance does not involve another person's view or opinion, it is personal.  You only need to meet the standards within yourself, your loving spirit.  You keep score within yourself and are so constituted that when you make an exchange that isn't neutral or positively balanced, you create within yourself the difference (the imbalance) that is needed to equalize the transaction.  To me this means you don't get away with anything.  Which always goes back to taking responsibility for yourself in all aspects.  An accumulation of imbalances results in tension and if these tensions are not resolved it can ultimately destroy the underlying structure.  This can be your own body, your family, a corporation, or a country.  

The book describes four broad areas of interchange in our lives.  The first is Interchanges with our Environment.  I have thought about this since I was very young and the effect we humans personally and as a whole have on this Earth.  The second is Interchanges with Others and as discussed before, this is taking the high road as we act with peace, love, joy and kindness aiming for positive interactions.  The third is our Interchanges with Ourselves including the responsibility for keeping yourself balanced which is a continuous process.  The last Interchange is on the Physical Level.  It is plain and simple, if we are not in good health it is because we are out of balance in some way.  The book states we need to love ourselves enough to take excellent care of ourselves.  Why is this easier said than done?  If we are physically imbalanced we are less effective mentally and spiritually.  That may be my "ah, ha" moment. 
On the Mental level I know I personally need to quit worrying.  Worry does not change anything.  It sure seems overwhelming at 2 in the morning.  We are to fill our minds with something else, being positive thoughts. 

On a spiritual level the individual must decide what is best whether it be prayer, meditation, study, whatever. Being aware that I need to be receptive to the guidance when it comes and realize the more I use it the better it will work for me.  

The book suggests 7 tools to achieve greater balance:
    1.  Analyze Self.
    2.  Time and Balance-budget or schedule your time.  Remember not to impose your schedule onto others.
    3.  Balancing the Spiritual, Mental and Physical-this doesn't mean they need equal time, rather equal emphasis.  Do not neglect one for another.  
    4.  Keep your Activities in Accord with your Purpose and Mission.
    5.  Flexibility-I want my life to be pleasurable, not a drudge so don't be too rigid.
    6.  Moderation; avoid Excess.
    7.  Stability-balance creates stability.  

The Chapter concludes that our world used to be in better balance.  Our present male-dominated world is clearly out of balance.  Under the Universal Laws there is no gender distinction.  The more nearly we can approach a nondistinction the more balanced we can become.  We will also achieve greater equality and wholeness as individuals when we work to balance our feminine and masculine natures within ourselves.  My Nursing school had the motto "to make man whole", I would always think, "to make humans whole", first I must concentrate on making myself more balanced.  Again, I have work to do.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Chapter 16: Setting Your Ideals in Accord with Spirit

After having spent the summer in Colorado I am always anxious to get some beach time.  I love the water.  BRC and I just spent some time in California visiting a friend in Ojai and family in Encinitas.  We visited a beautiful place called Meditation Mountain, but I was struck by the thought that all places are "meditation mountains" if we set our minds to be so.  It is always our choice.

The content of this chapter was a bit of a challenge for me.  I have always been more of a "go with the flow" person than a goal setter which may explain some aspects of my life.  What are my ideals?  I think of my ideals as the inner code I operate by.  I want my ideals to relate to me and my life, not be some unobtainable, unrealistic ideals, but they do need to be attuned to a higher level of consciousness.  If my ideals are too limiting I will restrict myself.  I strive to be about growth, so why should I define my ideals?  The book states your ideals are the standards by which you make your choices, like a road map to help you get to your destination; they are the attitudes by which you live; they determine the path and direction in which you are moving in consciousness; they determine what and whom you attract; and your ideals provide the balancing tie among body mind and soul.  After reading this chapter I appreciate the importance of defining my ideals.  How do I do this?

The book gives an Ideals Workshop which will be difficult to explain here.  Basically you pick an area in your life that you want to enhance such as partner, self, children, job, etc.  You then select a spiritual ideal such as love, truth, hope, patience, etc.  The third selection is of a mental idea which is a "be-attitude" such as be-loving, be-kind, be-forgiving, etc.  Step number 4 is to select a physical ideal which is what you will be "do"ing to bring into manifestation on the physical plane the spiritual and mental ideals that you have set for this area of your life such as using my ears to listen to my partner or
using my body to exercise. Every person's ideal workshop would look different, tailored to your life.

The book relates multiple benefits for setting my ideals to the highest levels which I can conceive:
   - Enable me to change my consciousness by establishing guideposts for living in accord with my Higher Self and so change my life for the better.
   -Set a definite direction for my pathway of life and provide a guide for making the best possible decisions.
    -Help in resolving the difficult areas of my life.
    -Bring me joy and contentment.
I think I have some work to do.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Chapter 15: Finding Your Life's Purpose

Bill and I are getting settled in Las Vegas for the winter.  We managed to escape Colorado without having to drive in snow.  This makes me happy.  The trees were magnificent in color when we left.  We felt a lot was accomplished this summer and now the ranch will rest along with us for the winter.  Our life in Las Vegas is much simpler in many ways, a different kind of productive.

I read this quote last night and was surprised by the author:
“A human being is part of the whole, called by us “universe,” limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a prison,restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons close to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from our prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all humanity and the whole of nature in its beauty.”~Albert Einstein
I guess I didn't think of Einstein sharing metaphysical thoughts.  
What is my purpose in life?  Who amongst us has not anguished over this?  This is what the next chapter addresses. 
Just the title of this chapter alone sounds overwhelming.  I used to worry that I wasn't fulfilling my life's purpose and then I thought I really don't even know what I think my purpose is.  I thought BRC probably had his life's purpose typed out or filed in his file cabinet.  Lol.  Once I figured out what my life's purpose was I was able to adjust my focus towards that goal.  Everyone has their own, unique purpose.  How do you go about finding yours if you haven't figured it out already?

The book states that your life has a purpose which is based on the principles set forth by the Universal Laws.  When you know your life's purpose you can more effectively and consistently apply the Universal Laws to achieve that purpose.  We all share a common purpose which is to manifest the god or goddess you really are.   I like that.  You also came into this life for a purpose that is unique to you.   You have a mission your soul has come here to accomplish.  Your mission is related to your unique talents, qualities and characteristics.  Your unique gifts are represented by the things you love to do.  These things should be a part of your life's purpose.  If you can get on the track that is right for you, you can save a lot of time looking and searching for you-know-not-what. 

The book provides an exercise or workshop for finding your life's purpose.  It is too hard to explain here on the blog.  Part 1 is Determining your own basic Purpose by asking yourself "what is my life's basic purpose?"  Part 2 is Determining your Mission in Life by asking yourself "Which of my natural qualities or spirit do I most love to use in my life?"  Part 3 is to Determine your talents and abilities by asking "What talents, abilities, or other means of expression should I use in my life?"  You then put all three parts together and you have your life's purpose. 
If you are not aware of your talents the book suggests making a list of things you love to do, limiting the list to those activities that create an excitement in you at the mere thought of them.  Do not judge any of the ideas that come to mind.  You can do this daily or whenever a thought comes to you.  This exercise is to stimulate your creative mind.  The number of ways you can express yourself by doing what you love has no limit.  Using your creativity to produce these ideas is one way to experience the abundance of the Universe. 

I believe my purpose is to become the goddess I am meant to be.  I know I have a mission  in being of service to others.  When I combine these together using my unique talents and abilities I feel my connection to this Universe and to Humankind. 

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chapter 14: All the Answers

We are beginning the process of closing up Carpenter Mountain for the winter. I can't believe how fast this summer passed for me. Fall makes me feel "feisty", Jillian laughs at that, but I do feel so much more energy. I love the warm days, the cool nights, the colors, the food, and so much about this time of year.

I think we as human beings are always in search of answers, I know I am. Where do I find reliable sources for my answers? So many times I look outside of myself when the answers were here all along. Jillian and I were talking about how it is easier to see solutions to a situation when you are not emotionally or physically involved. How do we attune ourselves to the solutions? This is what this next chapter addresses.

Chapter 14: All the Answers. The Universal Laws can guide us to reliable sources. The book addresses three laws that define how to get the guidance you need. The first law of guidance is "Seek First the Spirit Within and You will Find". If you know you have a need, you then can seek an answer. The law does not operate if you rely just on yourself for the answer. The search needs to be on a spiritual level in order to seek the pattern we wish to manifest. Our mind can then build from this perfect pattern, the perfect result in the spiritual, mental or physical. This result will be right for us and for others. It will have come from the higher source within us that knows all there is to know. I need to trust in Spirit and the Universal Laws rather than in self and expect to find what I seek. This seeking needs to be in a balanced manner and be open to receiving answers from many different sources. I need to remember I am a unique individual and what is right for me is not necessarily right for someone else.

The second Law of Guidance is "Ask the Spirit with Faith and You Will Receive" The book defines faith as the ability to perceive that anything is possible through the infinite power and wisdom of Spirit working through the Universal Laws. The answer to every problem is to discover the truth about it. That sounds simple enough, to find out the truth about it.  Sometimes it depends on who's truth.  I need to make sure it is the truth for me.  The only viewpoint from which I can see the truth and learn its lesson is to reach a consciousness that is higher than the one from which I created the problem. To go higher I must seek Spirit.
Spirit knows what I need but leaves it up to me to invite it to be a part of my life by asking. In this way Spirit knows I are willing to make use of whatever I request. By using my mind to decide what to ask I am working as a co-creator.

The third Law of Guidance states "Knock, With Faith in Spirit, and the Door will be Opened". You knock by accepting and using what you find or receive. You have the free will, the final decision on whether to use what you have found or received. If you do use what you have received or found your consciousness will be opened to a greater understanding and to a higher consciousness. Sometimes it is a matter of letting go of things that were previously safe for us. Again, trusting in the Divine Wisdom to do what is perfect for us at that time.

How can I help myself to be attuned? The book suggests prayer, meditation and faith, but recognizes that we each will have our own way. I need to be attuned to listening the answers, to expect answers if I have earnestly seeked guidance. Be aware that no matter what form of guidance you use, your strongly held opinions and prejudices can distort the results if you are not fully attuned. Know that guidance from Spirit will never condemn nor judge you or others or suggest that you take advantage of someone or require that you harm yourself or another in any way-any such advice would not be from your Higher Self.

The book offers a warning through this transition phase. "Through the thousands of past choices you have made, you have established your life as it exists today. You have yet to experience the results of many of your choices. Once you open yourself to a higher consciousness, you will have the opportunity to deal with many of the experiences you have created. Life may suddenly seem to be filled with more and greater difficulties. Remember though, you are not alone, you have new strength and guidance."   I know that I can tend to take the easy path, but when I am willing to do the necessary work, the results are far greater and more meaningful. 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Chapter 13: Making the Right Choices for Your Life

I have been enjoying being in the mountains of Colorado this summer. Thanks to BRC I was able to spend a few days in Vail and hike around the mountains. The aspen forest was amazing. When I returned I was reading a newsletter I received and this affirmation that was included:
"On this day, I will receive all that brings me joy and light and love. I will not allow this day to destroy my dreams, my hopes, my wants, or my desires. I embrace this day with the fullness of my divinity and no other way shall it be. For I no longer choose to learn the hard way. I no longer choose to run into the brick wall in my manifestations, in my reactions, and in my beliefts. I choose with the dignity of a Being of Light" Being of Light, I love this. "But I will fly with winged freedom above what keeps me so limited. For it is only I and not another that clips the wings of my soul and of my dreams" For me that is what this cosmic consciousness is all about.

Chapter 13: Making the Right Choices for your Life. We need to keep our minds attuned to the Spirit within. The Law of Choice states "Life is the Experience of Your Choices". How is this related to karma? Is our life predestined? If I now view the laws from a higher perspective, following my inner guidance given a choice will I do it the way I have choosen in the past or will I choose a higher way, that of the Spirit within me? This law of choice is telling us that if we wish to change our lives, we must change our choices. We have no choice for we always choose from the level of consciousness that we hold at the time of our choice, so if our level has not changed, the result will not change. If we wish to choose a higher way, we must prepare ourselves by working to raise our consciousness from the present lesser patterns to the perfect patterns in accord with our inner guidance. The real choice is to choose to change our consciousness.

The Master Law of Attunement: "If you will be my people, I will be your God". God can be whatever you choose to call the Creator, the divine within, Spirit. This law implies that if we choose to depend on ourselves-our wills and our ideas, manipulating or trying to control others-that is all we have. If we put our faith and trust in Spirit or the Creative Force, as a co-worker, we will be taken care of. I love being a co-worker with Spirit. I remember when I was young and the phrase to "instill the fear of God". I do not think I am to be fearful of the Divine forces. As Bill often reminds me, it is about love, not fear. How much more can we accomplish with love instead of fear? As you put Spirit first you will be cared for. Are you willing to accept yourself as a goddess that is your birthright to be? If you so choose Spirit is bound to the relationship by this law and becomes your source and supply. The choice is always yours.

The Law of Supply: Seek...First the Spirit within and all things shall be added you have need of. How do I seek the Spirit first? The book states I need to tune in to its frequency (vibration). We receive what we are attuned to. I think I miss alot by being distracted by things of the world. How am I to hear if I am not listening? This chapter states we can learn to attune to the vibrations which are the essence of the God force within us. As we attune to the Spirit, we are establishing a relationship with Spirit. The kind of relationship depends on you. This can be a very intimate relationship if that is what you wish. Several methods of attunement are discussed: Meditation; Prayer; Study of Dreams; Service to Others; Define Your Life's Purpose; Establish your Ideals; Laws of Guidance. My motto for this year is Onward and Upward..."I will fly with winged freedom".

Monday, August 23, 2010

Chapter 12: Consciously Creating Results with the Master Law of Manifestation

I just returned from a week in Las Vegas with Bill and Jillian celebrating my birthday. We had a great time. I really concentrated on not worrying which is big for me. I have been thinking about all the knowledge from this book and now how do I apply what I have been learning. I know that being aware or having cosmic consciousness is one of the first steps, but I am ready to be of action. This chapter discusses how we create the physical results in our lives. The following is the Master Law of Manifestation:


Spirit, mind and body are the basic elements of our being. First the book discusses Spirit is the life. The spirit is the soul, it is the beginning and end of all self-development. We were Spirit in the beginning, now Spirit and body and will be Spirit again. Spiritual consciousness operates at a different frequency or vibration than mental consciousness. Spirit is the life force that permeates every cell of our body and mind. The spirit force is also the creative force in your life. How you use this creative life force determines what you will be and what your experiences will be. This Law is the natural flow of the life force, of the energy with which we live and move and have our being. As previous chapters have stated the Spirit is not out there somewhere, it is within us right now. No one has more or less, we each have what we need. If you are in harmony with the Universal Laws, you have all the power of those laws. Power means infinite ability to express ability, capability, flexibility, sensibility, lovability, etc. Spirit is the infinite power of the universe. Spirit is the life. The mental or physical point of view limits us, Spirit has no limits. Attune your mind to a higher level, into a spirit of abundance. Abundance is the natural state of the Universe, there are no limits.

Mind is the builder. What does that mean? Our minds are the connecting force between the spirit. The purpose of our minds is to bring manifestations into our experience. Humans, through exercising free will often choose to misdirect and divert the power of Spirit to selfish purposes, thereby building negative and destructive forms of spirit, such as selfishness, hate, envy, etc. The result comes from what your mind is attuned to while it builds. Your will is the master of your mind if you choose to make it so. The book points our our minds are often attuned to the consciousness of the world outside of us instead of our own Spirit. That reminds me of the saying "be in the world, not of the world." The truth is you are a Child of God,of the Divine, not the negative energy of the mass consciousness. You can release the negatives of the world and let the goddess you are shine forth. I love that.

Physical is the Result. Our physical body is the result of our application of this law as is our material success. The spirit, mind and body are all interconnected. This again is about taking responsibility for our own lives.

Living in the Flow. To be living in the flow is to be so in accord with the principles and purposes of the Universe that you begin to experience in your life the highest good for yourself and others. The book states that Being in attunement with Spirit and in accord on all three levels is the secret of being in the flow with life and the Universe. Again the spirit is the starting point of it all, the key. The laws have to be lived on all three levels, spirit, mind and body, to not disrupt the flow.

So the real question is what will you build within yourself? Will you take the high road? The choice is always yours. You must choose your own purpose and the consciousness from which you act: these are the keys to the result. With these keys and this law you can consciously create the desired results in your life.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Chapter 11: Laws of Self

Today I was sent this inside an email:
Young souls learn to accept responsibility for their actions.
Mature souls learn to accept responsibility for their thoughts.
And old souls, learn to accept responsibility for their happiness.

If you can't be there for yourself, who will be there for you?

Here we go with the chapter that still makes the little girl inside of me think not to be selfish. That was clearly instilled into me. I think it is part of my culture, but this chapter is not talking about “selfish” but self love and that is so different. I think it took me half a century to figure that out, that I deserved to think about myself first and my place in the Universe.

To fully understand the higher Universal Laws begins with the laws of self. Understanding of all truth is found in self. I discussed this in Chapter 10, finding the divine wisdom within yourself and reconnecting. You are the most important person in the world. Are you doing your job or are you trusting someone else to do it for you? One of the greatest mistakes you can make in trying to know yourself is to compare yourself with others. Where you are as compared to someone else is not important. The Spirit within does not judge you, but knows rather the infinite potential that exists within you. No judgement, isn't that amazing?

There are several laws of self, the first one is the Law of Individuality: As you honor, respect,and love your own unique individuality, so you honor, respect, and love the individuality of others. Your individuality is your real self, your soul. Only to the degree you know and love your individuality can you truly know and love others. Service to others is one of the basic requirements for spiritual growth. Effective service is the expression of our individuality.

The second is the Law of Equality based on the understanding that all of us come from the same source, we are all created equal children of God. The law reads: Your true needs, wants, desires, hopes, dreams, wishes, and their fulfillment are as important as those of any other soul in existence.

The next is the Law of Priority: You must first "save" self if you would "save" another. Your body is truly the temple of your soul. Take care of your body and mind first and foremost, not just when something goes wrong. Our purpose on earth in essence is to "save self", if you neglect self for "saving" another you have defeated your purpose. This honors the divinity within yourself.

So how do I apply these laws? The book states I am to give of myself in any activity only to that point at which I do not feel depleted-physically, mentally or emotionally. It is important to love and nurture yourself as much as you love and nurture anyone else. I know I have struggled with this as I feel I have been rewarded for caring more for others at times. This doesn't mean I have to stop doing but be more in balance with myself. it is arrogant to believe that you can do something for another that the person is not capable of doing for her or himself, but that does not mean that I cannot be of service. Service is essential to our growth. I need to be of service when someone asks for help, I can then respond to their request within my own boundaries. As you live in accord with the laws of self and value others as you value self, you become selfless. I need to trust the spiritual power within to guide me.

The next law discussed in the chapter is the Law for Manifestation of Your Higher Self which reads As you put the God within first in your life, so you manifest the God you are. Accept that you have that God Presence within. Acknowledge that you are a spiritual being by living that concept. As we begin to put Spirit first, we begin to think as a God, to love as God and to live as the goddess or god we are.

The last law is the Law of Mastery of Self which reads As you become master of your lower self, so all things, conditions, and elements become subject unto you. As you release the fears, anxiety, guilt, shame, and other negative aspects of your lower self you release these thoughts explaining that you do not need them anymore because you know a higher thought. As you become selfless you master self. As you become master of self you become the goddess or god you are meant to be, with all things, conditions, and elements subject to you. There are no limits.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Chapter 10: Why You Are Here

Chapter 10: Why You are Here

It is beautiful up here on Carpenter Mountain Ranch this summer. With the rain and the sun we have an abundance of wildflowers. The pine beetles are making their presence known, looking out over the valley about 15% of the trees are rust colored.
I am so grateful to be able to live here. I also feel this way about living on this Earth. Who of us has not asked, "why am I here?" I used to think I would be able to list "why I am here" on a piece of paper, but through my process of discovery I have narrowed it down to: I am here to become the goddess I am meant to be. How am I going to do this? I believe by re-establishing by connection with the Divine wisdom (the Creator), believing in this wisdom, having cosmic consciousness I can seek the high road to find joy, peace and purpose in my life.

Chapter 10 discusses Why You Are Here in accordance with the Universal Laws. If we do not understand our own nature and our purpose for being our lives will hold only limited meaning and we can find little true fulfillment. This knowledge will assist us in our transformation. As far as the Universal Laws are concerned it does not matter what your God-concept is. I do not seek to define God for that limits God, but I do need an understanding. For me Spirit is the source of light which is the source of Divine. I believe there is one Spirit, we are forms of the One Spirit. We are portions of God, you can call it a child of God or whatever suits you. You are a soul. This chapter talks about four great gifts.

The first great gift is that you were made in the image of Spirit. It was your soul which was made in the image of your Creator, not your body or your mind. Your soul is actually a portion of the Divine. This means that we carry the divine portion with us always. We do not need to go looking for God for it is within ourselves when we choose to attune to it. We are sparks of light, with the ability of creation and with knowledge of God. This means you have everything within yourself to make your life perfect realizing that "perfect" means exactly the right thing at the exactly the right time and place for the greatest good for self and others.

The second great gift is that we are endowed with life and consciousness. We have minds and consciousness enabling us to be aware of ourselves and others and of our existence. This allows are consciousness to know that we are not the whole but part of the Creator. Consciousness is not a function of our minds but of our soul. I call this Cosmic Consciousness.

The third great gift is that as souls we are eternal. There is no death. What we experience as a death is but a transition to another step into fulfillment of our purpose. We are never given more than what we can handle as long as we trust in Spirit. We are never left to go it alone.

The fourth great gift is that our souls are endowed with free will. With free will we can do whatever we choose to do with the gifts we have been given. This applies whether on this earth or in any other plane of existence. We still have to operate within the laws of the Universe. Your will is greater than any other influence in your life, by your will, you can proceed in accord with such patterns or counteract them as you choose.

The book discusses that we as souls lost our awareness of our own divine nature. To re-establish this connection to have Divine wisdom to guide us we need to attune ourselves, our vibrations, our consciousness to greater awareness of the Divine within. As we follow this guidance, our lives become more fulfilling, more satisying, more meaningful, more worthwhile.

The book states that without the infinite wisdom of the Divine within to lead us, we rely solely on intellect for guidance. Since intellect does not have the overall picture, we create difficulties and situations that are not completely fulfilling or satisfying. Our earthly experience is designed to bring us to the realization that we have a higher purpose than merely living life. We need to re-establish the connection with the Divine wisdom to guide us.

Which leads me back to becoming the goddess I am meant to be. What will this cost me? I give up nothing except pain and sorrow, struggle and fear. I move my limits from not knowing, now being aware, to the potential for knowing and complete awareness-to peace and joy, abundance and fulfilling relationships and happiness. It is the ultimate transformation, it is the high road of life.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Chapter 9: The Master Law for Your Transformation

Bill and I are in Las Vegas this week for a little R & R. It is July and it is hot, make no mistake. But here we are able to recharge ourselves for the work we do in Colorado. The responsibilities of the ranch weigh heavily on Bill and my nursing work takes its own piece of energy. This part of the book discusses transformation. How do you go from here to there? How do you move to a place that better suits you? The book defines transformation in a spiritual sense as "a shift or a change in consciousness from an older, limiting pattern to a higher pattern." What limiting patterns have I held on to in my life? How can I let go? Letting go of these limiting patterns can bring fulfillment to our lives. By learning the Universal Laws we can learn how to drive our lives. Remember when you first got your driver's license? How much further has this taken you than you even thought at the time? It is not just about creating our own destiny, but going far beyond that destiny as you see it today. I was watching Invictus and the last two lines of that poem by Heneley state:
"I am the captain of my ship, I am the Master of my Soul". What powerful statements, I am the driver of my life, the Master of my Soul.

Chapter 9: The Master Law for your Transformation
The previous laws in the previous chapters give us a foundation, like the basic blocks of reading and writing in our education. Now these higher Universal Laws will broaden our horizons. These laws set forth the principals that deal with the relationship to your Creator, to others, yourself, and to your Universe. If you are to transform yourself you must determine what is it that is important in your life, what is your truth?

Jesus stated "Know the truth and the truth shall set your free". No one can tell you what your truth is. It is your truth, not someone else's. Truth is an active, ongoing dynamic. Truth is growth. I love this. What I believed to be true when I was five is not the same thing as my truth now. That doesn't mean I was wrong, but I have changed. My awareness has changed. I have grown. I continue to grow in my consciousness and in my understanding. If I become rigid in my viewpoints, I miss so much, so many other ways to look at an experience. The reality is that the truth doesn't change, I do.
The Universal Laws are laws of Truth. They apply in every situation of life. What does the statement that the "truth will set you free" mean? For me it means I am set free from the beliefs I had been holding inside that we not true, that were holding me back and limiting me. This is really freedom from fear. Operating out of Love and not Fear. We are so conditioned in fear. In the Voice of Knowledge Miguel Rius speaks about the limiting fear. You realize that these old fears are not true. It may happen in a moment or take a lifetime, but it works if you are open to it. If you understand the Universal Laws, apply them in the highest way you can, your life will get better and better, to operate out of love.

Many of us have rejected organized religion, myself included, but I believe in a Power higher than myself. This book talks about the fact that "God Is" is the Ultimate truth. I believe the Universal Laws are guided by divine truth which is provided by the power that is higher than myself. This in turn is knowing that our Universe is powered by Love.

Our culture likes to number things so the book talks about Three Steps to Transformation. The first step is to earnestly open our minds to truth. The Universe will then bring to us the truth we need to look at-at that time, we do not need to go looking for it. We need to be open and willing to accept whatever happens to us, knowing that it is for our growth and for our greater understanding of the truth. The second step is acceptance of the Ultimate truth that God Is to the extent and in the manner that your are able to do so at present. As you work with the master, with the tools and follow the guidance, knowledge will come. The third step is that we become discerners of the truth-holding to that which is eternal which doesn't change in purpose or intent. To me this means I need to live in accord with the Universal Laws. Truth is simple. By living in the spirit of truth I will be on the higher road that I seek.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Chapter 8: Using the Laws to Create your Destiny

I think it has almost been a month now since my last blog. Honestly, I have been training to be a Hospice nurse and have just not had the energy to write. It has been a great month, full and challenging. We also had the annual Univera Convention here in Denver which was tremendous. This Chapter is about Karma. I have always been fascinated by different interpretations of the Karmic Laws. Modern usage of the word is explained as including anything that comes back to us as a result of our thoughts, words, and deeds-regardless of whether it occurred in a previous lifetime or in this one. I don't know about you, but whoa. How am I supposed to keep track?
The beauty is our mind creates the karma for our next opportunity to learn. Life is indeed a school. The Universe brings to you the experiences from which you can learn lessons. We all carry within us the total memory of all that we have done, seen, heard, said and experienced since our beginning as souls. The mind recognizes when we are ready for the experience we need and attracts that persons or creates the events needed for us to learn.

The Karmic laws are the laws of cause and effect. The effect can be either a new creation in your life or a karmic condition which you have unconsciously created to present you with a lesson that you need. All are opportunities for you to learn and grow. In this way you create your destiny. "Everything we have is what we want"-sometimes I really wonder about this. But by taking responsibility for what we have now is the key to releasing the power which is inherently available to us. The amazing fact is that the actual happenings are not important; what is important is your reaction to each event. How you react determines your destiny. By the simple process of substituting a higher reaction, you can totally change your life. This kind of choice of reaction will enable you to take the high road.

My goal is to react in a positive way. As I know very well, this is not always easy. This is so key, to really transform my life I need to react consciously to create positive results. I need to be aware of my reactions, then I can choose.
Interestingly if there are any disturbing, destructive, or chaoitic happenings in your life it may be telling you that something is wrong and you need to find a better way to react. If you can move to a higher consciousness you may be able to avoid more disastrous events happening in your life.

It is so easy to get karma-oriented that we do not realize that not all that happens to us is a result of karma. This may be a case of a specific mission for a lifetime. Also our feelings are not karmic; they are a reaction to a situation or happening-to some karma we are facing.

My goals are to take the high road, to find more joy in my life.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Chapter 7: Unique Characteristics of the Universal Laws

In coming back to Colorado for this summer I found that my job did not offer me the same hours that I had enjoyed in the years past, given the economic conditions, I am not surprised. I have had to re-evaluate. This has been a test of my beliefs in the Universal Laws and this next Chapter addresses the nature of the Universal Laws. What I believe is that the essence of the laws are love and what more can I ask for?

Chapter 7: Unique Characteristics of the Universal Laws

Recognition of a Universal Law. Need to distinguish a Universal Law from other ideas, teachings, beliefs, facts or statements you must first apply this criterion: Does it fit this definition of Universal Laws?:
The Universal Laws are unbreakable, unchangeable principles of life that operate inevitably, in all phases of our life and existence, for all human beings everywhere, all the time. A Universal Law makes no demand on you. So you need to ask yourself “Does this place any limitation or requirement on me?” If it does, it can be broken and is not a Universal Law.

Universal Truths and Universal Laws are basically the same. We are in a school here on Earth, we learn lessons through the Universal Laws. The laws operate on principle not quantity. You do not have to meet the karma you have created in terms of numbers, but only in terms of principle. The Universe will create a test to make sure you have successfully met a karmic condition. The essence of a Universal Law is love.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chapter 6: Cause and Effect

I thought I understood "cause and effect", but I don't think I understood my responsibility and my creative forces. This is a picture of Hercules, Will's new family member. Will dreamed of a dog and the Universe helped Will and Hercules connect. All that we experience on this Earth plane is our responsibility.

Chapter 6 covers one of the great laws by which our lives are shaped that being the Laws of Cause and Effect. Whatever has happened to you in your life, there was a cause. This law is so pervasive in our lives, it is the way the world works. Basically, you are the cause of all that happens to you. When you knowingly or unknowingly put a specific Universal Law into operation, the result set by that law is inevitable. This goes for all things positive and negative. If I am responsible for all that happens to me, then I have the unlimited opportunity to make my life exactly what I want it to be. I love this. This possibilty is so promising and so exciting! This law allows me to lovingly accept my life and myself just as I am without blame or guilt. I am doing the best I can. LIFE IS NOT A JUDGMENT PROCESS; IT IS A LEARNING PROCESS. Forgive yourself for those things which you regret.

There is nothing by Chance. Chance is but a name for a law not recognized. You can create your own luck by making use of the opportunities that come to you and apply the Universal Laws in the highest way you can.

You came to this Earth to fill that place which no other soul may fill so well. No one else can do it as well. The Universe will handle the details. The conscious mind does not know all the variables. As we relinquish this function to the Creative Forces things will fall into place for us perfectly. The Creative Forces are always available to aid us in accompishing whatever we wish to do. How do you work with the Creative Forces? Use your intuition. Your conscious mind doesn't have the whole picture. Many of us ignore or supress our inner voice. Learning to follow your inner guidance is really what this book is all about. You don't need special training, it is available to all, all the time. Life need not be a battle; it can, and should be a glorious mystical adventure; but living is a science.

As thought, purpose, aim and desire are set in motion by minds, their effect is a condition that is. This emphasizes how important our thoughts are. You are a co-worker with the Universe. This is a creative process. We need to recognize that our thoughts, purposes, aims, and desires often derive from basic beliefs about ourselves and others and from programming and experiences held in our subconscious minds that we are frequently unaware of. This explains why some of our creations turn out so differently that what we conceive in our conscious minds.

Seek a higher vision. If I accept that what happens to me is always good, because it is always for my greater understanding, a lesson to learn, another step in my growth to a higher consciousness. This doesn't mean I have to do things the hard way. I can transform my life before I create the difficult situations. Through the laws I can learn how to avoid the weaknesses of my judgments and how to gain a clearer vision of what is truly for my and other's highest good and how to manifest it. This will bring more meaning, more purpose and more joy.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Chapter 5: The Power of Expectancy

This week Bill and I have been "catching up" from what we did not do last Fall when we left Colorado. We left in a big hurry (between snow storms) and it showed. Pipes froze, wood was not stacked inside, food stuffs not properly removed, etc. We could not escape the natural laws of our actions. I can say that we left Nevada in excellent condition and we expect it to be that way when we return. This leads me to the next Chapter which is the power of expectancy. It is a short, but powerful chapter about the attitude of our mind in what we expect. This is different than "expectations". The attitude of mind applies to both negative and positive thoughts. I expect that my world can be one of peace, order and joy no matter what is occurring in the outside world. My focus is on positive determination.


No specific Law of Expectancy, but one needs to have attitude of expectancy.
“That you really expect you receive.”
The spirit of expectancy is the key that turns on “mind the builder”. This is the attitude of the mind. If you expect to make a failure who else is going to expect you to succeed? It must be within yourself.

The degree of expectancy that you maintain is also vital. We cannot violate the physical laws and hope to overcome that violation with mental and spiritual forces. That is not in accord with the law of balance.

Expectancy should not be confused with wishful thinking. As you know your purpose and apply Universal Laws in accord with it, you will know what the results will be-and can expect that.

Need to guard against cultivating an expectancy of difficulties or problems. Do not look for it or you will find it. Our world can be one of peace, order, and joy no matter what may be occurring on the outside. Our world depends on how we choose to view it and more important, how we choose to create it through our expectancy, our beliefs, and our application of the Universal Laws. What is happening in the outside world is not the determining factor unless we expect it to be.

Expecting the Best. We must acknowledge that whatever happens to us will be for our highest and best good.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Chapter 4: Laws of Attraction

I have just returned to Colorado for the summer. I love the view from my desk in the loft of the lodge. It looks out over a wide expanse of mountains. I was greeted by rain, hail, lightening and snow, Mother Nature is truly in control of this environment. I have great respect for Mother Nature, but I know that my soul thrives in the mountains.

This next chapter is about the Laws of Attraction. Why is it that I am attracted to certain people, places, events, even books? Why is it I feel so comfortable in the mountains or near water? This chapter suggests these attractions are no coincidence and are needed for the fulfillment of our soul to grow. I know I need to be prepared mentally, physically and spirtually to accomplish my desires. There are no shortcuts. Do I make mistakes? Yes, but hopefully I learn from them. Is this "work"? I like to think of it as all part of the wonderful, amazing journey of my life.


“Like Attracts Like”

We create our own unique and personal universe. We accomplish this through our thoughts and beliefs. It is our life. No one else sees our universe as we do. Through the Universal Laws we have made it what it is.

We have a field around us, an aura (made of energy, vibrations) which both attracts and repels. Our auras reflect our nature and is the weathervane of the Soul. We are attracted to those of like auras. Each auric field is a product of our physical, mental and spiritual condition. Since the field around us is related to all three levels it is reasonable to assume that the attraction between two individuals can be on any one, two, or on all three levels.

“Law of Repulsion”
This also operates through the fields of auras. What repels us and what do we repel?

“As you seek, you attract and are attracted to that which will fulfill your search”
“As you seek, you repel and are repelled by that which will not fulfill your search”
These laws are impartial. They will work whether we seek something beneficial or something detrimental for ourselves and for others. Our auras mirror what we truly seek, regardless of what we may say or do. In other words our vibrations speak louder than our words.

This is a powerful concept. It means, then, that you have created whatever exists in your life or is happening to you at this time. You have, through the laws of attraction and repulsion and other laws, brought that creation into your life to fulfill your present needs and desires. That creation is what you need now for your greatest development and your highest good. The Creative Forces pick up the vibrations we send out and through the laws, present us with the lessons we need to learn.

Attraction to Your Parents: Each soul chooses to enter the earth and is attracted to certain parents by the parents’ strength and weaknesses. The parents provide the opportunity for the soul’s need to be fulfilled. It is the opportunity for fulfillment that is the attraction. This must be the same for siblings.

Attraction to Places: We may be attracted or repelled by the aura or vibrations of a certain place. Certain areas or environments may attract us because they hold opportunity for us to live more creatively or to meet ourselves and experience greater development.

Attraction to Sources: We are drawn to those sources from which help or stimulating influences may be had. This may be a book, school, conference, etc. There is a need, there is an attraction and this is the Creative Forces at work. It is a wondrous combination and how it happens is not important. Synchronicity. I always feel there are no coincidences.

Must have the desire.

Attracting a New Ability: by law you can attract the possibility and the ability to become that which you innately desire to be. As you recognize and accept that desire, you put your mind to work.

Doing what you love to do: this is a part of your purpose in the earth. You are in the flow.

Mind is the builder of attraction. Abilities Attract. Lack Detracts. Look to ourselves first to correct any lack of success that we may be experiencing. Prepare mentally, physically and spiritually.

Applying the laws of attraction and repulsion:
First: be sensitive to your innate desire-the desire of your heart-respect it and work in accord with it.
Second: prepare in the right spirit-desire to be of service to others through the avenues you are seeking.
Third: prepare the minds-“Dwell upon” that which you seek, upon your desire to succeed, and to be of service. You then will attract the sources you need.
Fourth: prepare on the physical level by working with the sources and the individuals you have at hand or to whom you are attracted. Test, try, and apply that which works best for you.
Fifth: watch what is happening in your life to “see” what is really in your consciousness. Learn those lessons and make the changes that need to be made until you have attracted into your life that which fulfills your innate desire.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Chapter 3: Laws of Increase

I took a week to visit family and friends in Southern California. When I visit this area I feel my "batteries are recharged". I don't know if it is visiting where I spent so much time in my youth or visiting the water, whether it be the beach or the lake, but it grounds me again and I remember what it is that is most important in my life. I have been reading Beyond Fear, A Toltec Guide to Freedom and Joy about the teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz. He wrote the Mastery of Love and the Voice of Knowledge which I also enjoyed. His ideas confirm what I have read in Your Life.

I have been working on reducing the negative thoughts and therefore negative energy in my mind. In this I can become fearless. I remember when BRC spoke to me about not being "attached". I thought he was saying I couldn't care about the outcome, but that was not it at all. It is all about love and not fear, not needing to control. I need to practice positive determination. If I am willing to take the responsibilty I can acheive whatever it is I want to acheive. The law discussed in Chapter 3 shows me the way to the higher road. Keeping in mind my goal to live my highest and best this chapter is key.

Chapter #3, entitled Laws of Increase again reiterate the importance of having our thoughts, our energies directed in the ways we intend our life to be. We need to be sure our spirit, our purpose is right.


“As you sow, so shall you reap”

The miracle in this law is one of abundance, joy and beauty. The prosperity comes through the law of increase.

Our thoughts are basic to our creative power: we use them to direct our energy. It is the spirit of our thoughts that determine the increase. “What is my true purpose?”
What you hold onto in the spiritual or the mental level will eventually manifest in the physical. The true motivation or spirit is always known. The key to this law is the spirit.

The more often we think or act in a particular spirit, the greater the energy given to that seed and the stronger it becomes in us.

Do not be attached to the outcome. Need to respect time and patience. Requirement during time of growth is to be sure that our spirit, our purpose, is right.

Negative words are “weed seeds”. Based on fear.

“The Spirit of your Actions Multiplies the Result”
Amount of increase depends on your purpose, your sincerity and your willingness.

The greater your fear, the greater the chance it will happen. Be in the world, but not of it. In recognizing the higher power of our Creator and using the Universal Laws in that spirit, we are freed from our fears and those of the world because we then recognize we have nothing to fear.

Need to ask Universe for help. The earth plane is our school of law. Sow the seeds of the “Be” Attitudes. Be loving, gentle, kind, patient, friendly, merciful, truthful, hopeful, faithful, good, joyful, peaceful, humble, harmonious, understanding consistent in acts and speech, content, honest, appreciative, generous, cooperative, just and forgiving.

God is inside of each of us. Have positive determination. Discipline yourself to study, work and follow through. Keep your life in balance.

If we are ready to assume the responsibility for much money we will receive it.

You reap what you sow when the time is right; when you are ready, you will receive.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Chapter 2: Like Begets Like

March 31st was the birthday of both my moms, Polly and Charlene. So today I celebrate both of them and and grateful for both of them in my life.

On to the book, this chapter really brings home that we are the pilot of our lives. Jillian and I were discussing if this is the life we have designed for ourselves who are all these other people, are they filler people? Have we all agreed to be here at this time to experience this life? I believe my soul has agreed to be here during this time to experience what I need. I also think I made agreements with other souls that I have come in contact with. Why am I so attracted to some people, places, objects and not others? This chapter really brings home the point that I must have my thoughts and motivations in order to acheive what I would like to in this life.

CHAPTER 2: LIKE BEGETS LIKE: The Law of Cause and Effect

Like Begets Like is irrefutable, unchangeable, immutable, and cannot be avoided.

It operates whether we are aware of it or not.

The law applies in our lives as well as in nature.

It assures that whatever we hold as an attitude or emotion in any situation will at some time later come back to us.

It operates impartially, working for both positive or negative, constructive or destructive, spirit, thoughts, words or actions.

“Like begets like” puts us in charge. As we use it for good or for ill each day, we are indeed the pilots, the directors of our lives.

Makes each one of us individually responsible for the kind of relations we have with others. If we don’t have the kinds of relationships we want, we know we have to do some work on ourselves.

Most of us are here to learn greater patience. Patience is an attitude of mind; it is not passive submission. Your patience must be an active growing force within you.

The Ripple Effect. Through the law of “like begets like”, we can set up a ripple effect that moves on to others we do not even know. We can also be sure that eventually it will come back to us.

Spirit is the key. The spirit in which I act will create and return to me in the same spirit.
If you do not like your work, it gives back to you what you give to it; you become fatigued and devitalized. There is no task which manifests God which is not beautiful-if you make it so-for beauty is not in any task; it is in you. If you have to sweep the floor, do it gloriously; the floor must be swept. If it falls to you to do it, do it perfectly-with love-and it will bless you.

Negative uses of the law are being judgmental and fault finding. The key is the spirit. Do not impose your own values on others.

If you say one thing and think another, your words are meaningless for your thoughts are equally as powerful. Know that the fault you find in others is a reflection of fault in yourself. When we truly love we do not judge. It is okay to love yourself just as you are. It is not enough to stop a bad habit. Better to substitute a positive and constructive act or thought to take its place.

Our ideal is to see the good in others. Each of us has our own place. Stand aside and watch yourself pass by.

Will I choose the high road, living in accord with the flow of peace, love and joy of the Universe?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Welcome to my excellent adventure

I have decided to write an interactive blog on the book:

Your Life: Why it is the Way it is and What You Can Do About It
Understanding the Universal Laws
By Bruce McArthur

This book has changed the way I live my life. I have shared this book with you, but don't know who has read what. I decided each week I will put my thoughts on each chapter and if you want to comment that would be great. Mr. McArthur is no longer with us, but I would have loved him to share his thoughts. I guess he already has in his written words. Love to all.


You are responsible for your life and for your destiny.

“Imagine with me for a moment that every aspect of this world is operated by laws-laws that are created out of kindness and love; laws that result in your having exactly what you need when you need it, that always work for the highest good of all; laws that are completely impartial, that apply to everyone equally everywhere throughout our world; laws that work without prejudice, without bias, without judges and courts and trials and lawyers, without bribery; laws that are just and beneficial for everyone at all times and in all places.”

It is true and these are called the Universal Laws (UL).

The laws create chaos and suffering when we misapply them. They create beauty and harmony in our lives when we use them in the highest way. These laws are the keys by which you and I make our lives and our world the way we would like it to be.

The essence and purpose of all Universal Laws and the reason for their existence is to manifest the infinite love of the Universe to you and to me. (Universe is synonymous with God, creator, creative forces, higher power, whatever you choose.)

Growth through the Universal Laws:
1) First as you come to work with the laws you learn how to meet and resolve problems or traumatic conditions that face you.
2) Second, you effectively apply them to create more peace, joy, and understanding in your life. You become an example to others.
3) Third, the Universal Laws are vital to your life, for you see how they determine the conditions you experience. You can make or break your relationships, your career, your finances, and your life.
4) Fourth, as you become aware and use the Universal Laws effectively you transform yourself and your life, you will create joy in your relationships, success in your career, and abundance in many forms in your experience.
5) Fifth, and most important, your life becomes a fulfilling one because your actions are in accord with the purpose of the Universe.

The basic nature of Universal Laws is an unbreakable, unchangeable principle of life that operates inevitably, all the time.

I love this Universe and I am looking to live my highest and best.