Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Welcome to my excellent adventure

I have decided to write an interactive blog on the book:

Your Life: Why it is the Way it is and What You Can Do About It
Understanding the Universal Laws
By Bruce McArthur

This book has changed the way I live my life. I have shared this book with you, but don't know who has read what. I decided each week I will put my thoughts on each chapter and if you want to comment that would be great. Mr. McArthur is no longer with us, but I would have loved him to share his thoughts. I guess he already has in his written words. Love to all.


You are responsible for your life and for your destiny.

“Imagine with me for a moment that every aspect of this world is operated by laws-laws that are created out of kindness and love; laws that result in your having exactly what you need when you need it, that always work for the highest good of all; laws that are completely impartial, that apply to everyone equally everywhere throughout our world; laws that work without prejudice, without bias, without judges and courts and trials and lawyers, without bribery; laws that are just and beneficial for everyone at all times and in all places.”

It is true and these are called the Universal Laws (UL).

The laws create chaos and suffering when we misapply them. They create beauty and harmony in our lives when we use them in the highest way. These laws are the keys by which you and I make our lives and our world the way we would like it to be.

The essence and purpose of all Universal Laws and the reason for their existence is to manifest the infinite love of the Universe to you and to me. (Universe is synonymous with God, creator, creative forces, higher power, whatever you choose.)

Growth through the Universal Laws:
1) First as you come to work with the laws you learn how to meet and resolve problems or traumatic conditions that face you.
2) Second, you effectively apply them to create more peace, joy, and understanding in your life. You become an example to others.
3) Third, the Universal Laws are vital to your life, for you see how they determine the conditions you experience. You can make or break your relationships, your career, your finances, and your life.
4) Fourth, as you become aware and use the Universal Laws effectively you transform yourself and your life, you will create joy in your relationships, success in your career, and abundance in many forms in your experience.
5) Fifth, and most important, your life becomes a fulfilling one because your actions are in accord with the purpose of the Universe.

The basic nature of Universal Laws is an unbreakable, unchangeable principle of life that operates inevitably, all the time.

I love this Universe and I am looking to live my highest and best.

1 comment:

  1. A.k.a. don't fight the Universe, because it will win every time ha ha...but seriously.

    Growth point #3-tis true, but I have learned that just because you may follow the universe and take the higher road or try your best to be a good person does not always mean other people will.

    Therefore, just because you are trying to do the right thing does not mean your relationship with others will be successful.

    Unless successful could mean it is better not to be friends.

    This makes me think of a girlfriend I have recently lost due to her ability to gossip about everyone and everything. Not agreeing with her I told her we could no longer hang out. Perhaps this relationship of no contact is more successful that still being friends and not standing up for what I believe in.
