Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chapter 14: All the Answers

We are beginning the process of closing up Carpenter Mountain for the winter. I can't believe how fast this summer passed for me. Fall makes me feel "feisty", Jillian laughs at that, but I do feel so much more energy. I love the warm days, the cool nights, the colors, the food, and so much about this time of year.

I think we as human beings are always in search of answers, I know I am. Where do I find reliable sources for my answers? So many times I look outside of myself when the answers were here all along. Jillian and I were talking about how it is easier to see solutions to a situation when you are not emotionally or physically involved. How do we attune ourselves to the solutions? This is what this next chapter addresses.

Chapter 14: All the Answers. The Universal Laws can guide us to reliable sources. The book addresses three laws that define how to get the guidance you need. The first law of guidance is "Seek First the Spirit Within and You will Find". If you know you have a need, you then can seek an answer. The law does not operate if you rely just on yourself for the answer. The search needs to be on a spiritual level in order to seek the pattern we wish to manifest. Our mind can then build from this perfect pattern, the perfect result in the spiritual, mental or physical. This result will be right for us and for others. It will have come from the higher source within us that knows all there is to know. I need to trust in Spirit and the Universal Laws rather than in self and expect to find what I seek. This seeking needs to be in a balanced manner and be open to receiving answers from many different sources. I need to remember I am a unique individual and what is right for me is not necessarily right for someone else.

The second Law of Guidance is "Ask the Spirit with Faith and You Will Receive" The book defines faith as the ability to perceive that anything is possible through the infinite power and wisdom of Spirit working through the Universal Laws. The answer to every problem is to discover the truth about it. That sounds simple enough, to find out the truth about it.  Sometimes it depends on who's truth.  I need to make sure it is the truth for me.  The only viewpoint from which I can see the truth and learn its lesson is to reach a consciousness that is higher than the one from which I created the problem. To go higher I must seek Spirit.
Spirit knows what I need but leaves it up to me to invite it to be a part of my life by asking. In this way Spirit knows I are willing to make use of whatever I request. By using my mind to decide what to ask I am working as a co-creator.

The third Law of Guidance states "Knock, With Faith in Spirit, and the Door will be Opened". You knock by accepting and using what you find or receive. You have the free will, the final decision on whether to use what you have found or received. If you do use what you have received or found your consciousness will be opened to a greater understanding and to a higher consciousness. Sometimes it is a matter of letting go of things that were previously safe for us. Again, trusting in the Divine Wisdom to do what is perfect for us at that time.

How can I help myself to be attuned? The book suggests prayer, meditation and faith, but recognizes that we each will have our own way. I need to be attuned to listening the answers, to expect answers if I have earnestly seeked guidance. Be aware that no matter what form of guidance you use, your strongly held opinions and prejudices can distort the results if you are not fully attuned. Know that guidance from Spirit will never condemn nor judge you or others or suggest that you take advantage of someone or require that you harm yourself or another in any way-any such advice would not be from your Higher Self.

The book offers a warning through this transition phase. "Through the thousands of past choices you have made, you have established your life as it exists today. You have yet to experience the results of many of your choices. Once you open yourself to a higher consciousness, you will have the opportunity to deal with many of the experiences you have created. Life may suddenly seem to be filled with more and greater difficulties. Remember though, you are not alone, you have new strength and guidance."   I know that I can tend to take the easy path, but when I am willing to do the necessary work, the results are far greater and more meaningful. 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Chapter 13: Making the Right Choices for Your Life

I have been enjoying being in the mountains of Colorado this summer. Thanks to BRC I was able to spend a few days in Vail and hike around the mountains. The aspen forest was amazing. When I returned I was reading a newsletter I received and this affirmation that was included:
"On this day, I will receive all that brings me joy and light and love. I will not allow this day to destroy my dreams, my hopes, my wants, or my desires. I embrace this day with the fullness of my divinity and no other way shall it be. For I no longer choose to learn the hard way. I no longer choose to run into the brick wall in my manifestations, in my reactions, and in my beliefts. I choose with the dignity of a Being of Light" Being of Light, I love this. "But I will fly with winged freedom above what keeps me so limited. For it is only I and not another that clips the wings of my soul and of my dreams" For me that is what this cosmic consciousness is all about.

Chapter 13: Making the Right Choices for your Life. We need to keep our minds attuned to the Spirit within. The Law of Choice states "Life is the Experience of Your Choices". How is this related to karma? Is our life predestined? If I now view the laws from a higher perspective, following my inner guidance given a choice will I do it the way I have choosen in the past or will I choose a higher way, that of the Spirit within me? This law of choice is telling us that if we wish to change our lives, we must change our choices. We have no choice for we always choose from the level of consciousness that we hold at the time of our choice, so if our level has not changed, the result will not change. If we wish to choose a higher way, we must prepare ourselves by working to raise our consciousness from the present lesser patterns to the perfect patterns in accord with our inner guidance. The real choice is to choose to change our consciousness.

The Master Law of Attunement: "If you will be my people, I will be your God". God can be whatever you choose to call the Creator, the divine within, Spirit. This law implies that if we choose to depend on ourselves-our wills and our ideas, manipulating or trying to control others-that is all we have. If we put our faith and trust in Spirit or the Creative Force, as a co-worker, we will be taken care of. I love being a co-worker with Spirit. I remember when I was young and the phrase to "instill the fear of God". I do not think I am to be fearful of the Divine forces. As Bill often reminds me, it is about love, not fear. How much more can we accomplish with love instead of fear? As you put Spirit first you will be cared for. Are you willing to accept yourself as a goddess that is your birthright to be? If you so choose Spirit is bound to the relationship by this law and becomes your source and supply. The choice is always yours.

The Law of Supply: Seek...First the Spirit within and all things shall be added you have need of. How do I seek the Spirit first? The book states I need to tune in to its frequency (vibration). We receive what we are attuned to. I think I miss alot by being distracted by things of the world. How am I to hear if I am not listening? This chapter states we can learn to attune to the vibrations which are the essence of the God force within us. As we attune to the Spirit, we are establishing a relationship with Spirit. The kind of relationship depends on you. This can be a very intimate relationship if that is what you wish. Several methods of attunement are discussed: Meditation; Prayer; Study of Dreams; Service to Others; Define Your Life's Purpose; Establish your Ideals; Laws of Guidance. My motto for this year is Onward and Upward..."I will fly with winged freedom".