Thursday, April 22, 2010

Chapter 4: Laws of Attraction

I have just returned to Colorado for the summer. I love the view from my desk in the loft of the lodge. It looks out over a wide expanse of mountains. I was greeted by rain, hail, lightening and snow, Mother Nature is truly in control of this environment. I have great respect for Mother Nature, but I know that my soul thrives in the mountains.

This next chapter is about the Laws of Attraction. Why is it that I am attracted to certain people, places, events, even books? Why is it I feel so comfortable in the mountains or near water? This chapter suggests these attractions are no coincidence and are needed for the fulfillment of our soul to grow. I know I need to be prepared mentally, physically and spirtually to accomplish my desires. There are no shortcuts. Do I make mistakes? Yes, but hopefully I learn from them. Is this "work"? I like to think of it as all part of the wonderful, amazing journey of my life.


“Like Attracts Like”

We create our own unique and personal universe. We accomplish this through our thoughts and beliefs. It is our life. No one else sees our universe as we do. Through the Universal Laws we have made it what it is.

We have a field around us, an aura (made of energy, vibrations) which both attracts and repels. Our auras reflect our nature and is the weathervane of the Soul. We are attracted to those of like auras. Each auric field is a product of our physical, mental and spiritual condition. Since the field around us is related to all three levels it is reasonable to assume that the attraction between two individuals can be on any one, two, or on all three levels.

“Law of Repulsion”
This also operates through the fields of auras. What repels us and what do we repel?

“As you seek, you attract and are attracted to that which will fulfill your search”
“As you seek, you repel and are repelled by that which will not fulfill your search”
These laws are impartial. They will work whether we seek something beneficial or something detrimental for ourselves and for others. Our auras mirror what we truly seek, regardless of what we may say or do. In other words our vibrations speak louder than our words.

This is a powerful concept. It means, then, that you have created whatever exists in your life or is happening to you at this time. You have, through the laws of attraction and repulsion and other laws, brought that creation into your life to fulfill your present needs and desires. That creation is what you need now for your greatest development and your highest good. The Creative Forces pick up the vibrations we send out and through the laws, present us with the lessons we need to learn.

Attraction to Your Parents: Each soul chooses to enter the earth and is attracted to certain parents by the parents’ strength and weaknesses. The parents provide the opportunity for the soul’s need to be fulfilled. It is the opportunity for fulfillment that is the attraction. This must be the same for siblings.

Attraction to Places: We may be attracted or repelled by the aura or vibrations of a certain place. Certain areas or environments may attract us because they hold opportunity for us to live more creatively or to meet ourselves and experience greater development.

Attraction to Sources: We are drawn to those sources from which help or stimulating influences may be had. This may be a book, school, conference, etc. There is a need, there is an attraction and this is the Creative Forces at work. It is a wondrous combination and how it happens is not important. Synchronicity. I always feel there are no coincidences.

Must have the desire.

Attracting a New Ability: by law you can attract the possibility and the ability to become that which you innately desire to be. As you recognize and accept that desire, you put your mind to work.

Doing what you love to do: this is a part of your purpose in the earth. You are in the flow.

Mind is the builder of attraction. Abilities Attract. Lack Detracts. Look to ourselves first to correct any lack of success that we may be experiencing. Prepare mentally, physically and spiritually.

Applying the laws of attraction and repulsion:
First: be sensitive to your innate desire-the desire of your heart-respect it and work in accord with it.
Second: prepare in the right spirit-desire to be of service to others through the avenues you are seeking.
Third: prepare the minds-“Dwell upon” that which you seek, upon your desire to succeed, and to be of service. You then will attract the sources you need.
Fourth: prepare on the physical level by working with the sources and the individuals you have at hand or to whom you are attracted. Test, try, and apply that which works best for you.
Fifth: watch what is happening in your life to “see” what is really in your consciousness. Learn those lessons and make the changes that need to be made until you have attracted into your life that which fulfills your innate desire.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a powerful chapter.

    Attraction to our families? I love ours but sometimes wonder how the hell we all ended up together. You have always expressed how we predetermined our family together before we came here, I agree-even though it's difficult to see sometimes, I trust that it's for the best!

    I feel like the phrase we use "putting it out there in the universe" is our expression for applying the law of attraction. I'm putting it out there for a new place to live, some new friends, and a new I will concentrate on that, look into my consciousness and hopefully attract these things.

    Bummer, I look around at my life sometimes and see I attracted even these things that are unhealthy: certain roommates, flaky friends, and sleezy guys...I'm going to change it by applying these principals so WATCH OUT!
