Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chapter 6: Cause and Effect

I thought I understood "cause and effect", but I don't think I understood my responsibility and my creative forces. This is a picture of Hercules, Will's new family member. Will dreamed of a dog and the Universe helped Will and Hercules connect. All that we experience on this Earth plane is our responsibility.

Chapter 6 covers one of the great laws by which our lives are shaped that being the Laws of Cause and Effect. Whatever has happened to you in your life, there was a cause. This law is so pervasive in our lives, it is the way the world works. Basically, you are the cause of all that happens to you. When you knowingly or unknowingly put a specific Universal Law into operation, the result set by that law is inevitable. This goes for all things positive and negative. If I am responsible for all that happens to me, then I have the unlimited opportunity to make my life exactly what I want it to be. I love this. This possibilty is so promising and so exciting! This law allows me to lovingly accept my life and myself just as I am without blame or guilt. I am doing the best I can. LIFE IS NOT A JUDGMENT PROCESS; IT IS A LEARNING PROCESS. Forgive yourself for those things which you regret.

There is nothing by Chance. Chance is but a name for a law not recognized. You can create your own luck by making use of the opportunities that come to you and apply the Universal Laws in the highest way you can.

You came to this Earth to fill that place which no other soul may fill so well. No one else can do it as well. The Universe will handle the details. The conscious mind does not know all the variables. As we relinquish this function to the Creative Forces things will fall into place for us perfectly. The Creative Forces are always available to aid us in accompishing whatever we wish to do. How do you work with the Creative Forces? Use your intuition. Your conscious mind doesn't have the whole picture. Many of us ignore or supress our inner voice. Learning to follow your inner guidance is really what this book is all about. You don't need special training, it is available to all, all the time. Life need not be a battle; it can, and should be a glorious mystical adventure; but living is a science.

As thought, purpose, aim and desire are set in motion by minds, their effect is a condition that is. This emphasizes how important our thoughts are. You are a co-worker with the Universe. This is a creative process. We need to recognize that our thoughts, purposes, aims, and desires often derive from basic beliefs about ourselves and others and from programming and experiences held in our subconscious minds that we are frequently unaware of. This explains why some of our creations turn out so differently that what we conceive in our conscious minds.

Seek a higher vision. If I accept that what happens to me is always good, because it is always for my greater understanding, a lesson to learn, another step in my growth to a higher consciousness. This doesn't mean I have to do things the hard way. I can transform my life before I create the difficult situations. Through the laws I can learn how to avoid the weaknesses of my judgments and how to gain a clearer vision of what is truly for my and other's highest good and how to manifest it. This will bring more meaning, more purpose and more joy.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of taking responsibility for everything that happens in life, that's hard to say though when things aren't great. I blame things on other people for my life being screwed up sometimes, but if I take responsibility for everything, then when something great happens I will feel much accomplished.

    "Forgive yourself for things you regret"...love this...but hard to do lol.

    Mistakes-more like an opportunity that was presented to learn something ha.

    Universe with no chance, reminds me of that line in Titanic where he says, "a real man makes his own luck", that character was a dick, but maybe he had a point!

    I like that we are here on earth to fill a spot no one else could...makes me feel special and needed!

    Listening to my intuition, something I am trying to get better at everyday, a strong and underrated power force.

    P.s. I'm starting to think you're the new Ghandi!
