Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Chapter 18: Law of Belief

I am beginning to write about the last three chapters of the book.  I know it has been a wonderful journey for myself, one of great awakening.  I know my journey is far from over.  I already have a new book in mind.

What do I believe?   I honestly thought that by my age I would have had it all figured out.  What is wonderful is that my beliefs have evolved with me as I continue on my journey and my quest for knowledge.  I have an understanding now that some of my beliefs have held me back, beliefs I didn't realize I had held so deeply.  This chapter is about the Law of Belief and how it manifests in our lives.

AS YOU BELIEVE, SO IT BECOMES FOR YOU.  As you believe refers to all that you think or feel is true about yourself, any aspect of life, or your understanding of how anything operates.  So my beliefs are the base from which I apply the Universal Laws.  My beliefs are the major determinants in creating every aspect of my life along with being the filter which I screen all that comes through me.  

So what do I believe?  Am I conscious of all I believe?  The answer for me is probably not.  So where do my beliefs come from?  The book lists unconscious programming, previous experiences, all kinds of input, but the truly wonderful news is that the unconscious beliefs that are negative do not have to continue.  Any difficulty is a red flag raised by the Universe to let you know you have a belief that is not in accord with the Universe's flow and love.  The book states I should be thankful for them and seek the lesson each holds for me.  I get this, but sometimes I am not so thankful if I am being honest, especially the difficulties I keep repeating.  I do now know that if I can change this belief I can create greater happiness for myself.

I am prompted to go to a sidebar here.  I know one of the beliefs I held for too many years was that I didn't deserve to be _______, (happy, rich, skinny), you fill in the blank.  BRC has worked a great deal with me on this.  I had to really think why and where did this come from, then I had to accept that I held this belief.  Did I really want to continue to hold this belief?  NO, so let it go, release it.  The book recommends releasing it and substituting a more positive belief.   This new belief you substitute should be in accord with your purpose and ideals.  Check with your inner guidance as to what is best for you. 
If there is deep emotional involvement or trauma, professional counseling may be helpful to release the belief.

How do I transform a belief?  The book offers the following equation:  C + B= A.  That which you can conceive (C), plus that which you can believe (B), is that which you can achieve (A).  If we are attuned to Spirit and believe that it is possible and that it can and will be done.  You do not need to know how you will achieve your goal, trust in step-by-step and day-by-day.  The Universal laws are not limited to material success that we often think of; peace, joy, patience, and love can also be achieved.
This chapter provides a warning for seeking material goals only,  stating that you can, with the powers of the mind and physical effort alone, achieve great wealth and fame, but the price you pay may be enormous.  This need not be.  If your seeking is based on guidance by attunement to Spirit your material and other needs will be met, by law.  Again, you can follow the high road, guided by the Spirit within you, or the low road, guided by your mind and mass-mind consciousness.  This mass-mindedness can be easy to get caught up in, but with awareness and conscious choices I can create the life I want to live.

I read this today and loved it:

May the sun bring you new energy by day.
May the moon softly restore you by night.
May the rain wash away your worries.
May the breeze blow new strength into your being.
May you walk gently through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life.
~Apache Blessing

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