Saturday, December 18, 2010

Chapter 19: Nothing is Impossible

"You are everything that is, your thoughts, your life, your dreams come true.  You are everything you choose to be.  You are as unlimited as the endless universe."~Shad Helmstetter

Chapter 19 talks about how nothing is impossible.  Do I really believe nothing is impossible?  I am sure working on it.  This Chapter states that faith is the key.  I remember a scene in the Indian Jones and the Last Crusade movie where he has to take a leap of faith.  I always wondered if I could really take that step.

The bible in Matthew reads "Whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith." The book chapter states that many of us can recall a time when we asked in prayer, but did not receive what we asked for.  Asking without any faith in the power of Spirit doesn't put the law in operation.  This is where it can get complicated.  If you do pray and ask with faith in Spirit, you bring the Creative Forces into play and the results are assured-IF you have not previously set other laws into operation that counter your request.  So have I set up a karmic condition for myself with a lesson that I need to learn?  The problem may also not resolve in the way in which I want it to resolve.  If I remember that the Universe always operates for the highest and best good for all concerned I can save myself a lot of heartache.  

This chapter goes on to discuss that death is often a healing.  After having worked hospice this summer I believe this.  The Universe is aware that we, as souls, do not die, but are eternal; that the passing of the body is another step forward in our development.  In the Universe sense, death is a positive change.

So how does prayer relate to the Universal Laws?  The chapter defines prayer as a process of attuning yourself to reach a higher point of view-of wholeness, of understanding, of oneness with Spirit.  I think everyone has their own way of praying and I think that is a personal matter.

So what is faith?  The book states faith is simply the ability to perceive that through the infinite power and wisdom of the Spirit within, working through the Universal Laws, nothing is impossible.  By free will you can choose to have two percent faith or 100 percent faith in the infinite possibilities of the Spirit within.  We block faith with doubts and fears.  Again, a reminder that living out of fear instead of love limits us.  How does one get through those fears and doubt?  "We can release the doubts and fears by giving them no energy and no thought, turning instead to Spirit for guidance.  As our mind builds from that base, we can first hope.   Then, as those hopes are realized, we gain confidence in our guidance.  As our confidence grows, we begin to trust.  Then our trust grows.  As we, through experience, see that we can truly trust the Spirit within, we finally realize that as we use our mind directed by Spirit in applying the Universal Laws, nothing is impossible and everything is possible-we have arrived at faith."

It is all about moving to a higher consciousness and to a greater understanding of the Universal Laws.
I agree that I need to bolster my faith when I am faced with a situation that seems impossible with my limited vision.  The book states faith lifts us beyond our limited beliefs, doubts, and fears to the higher dimensions of consciousness.  I know there are times when I have more fear and doubt than faith.  If I become consistent, persistent, and prayerful I can expect things to happen.  The power of expectancy is a stepping stone to developing my faith.  Along with this comes living our faith, believing that we have received and acting in that manner.

So the key to transformation using the Universal Laws goes something like this:

I know, as a spiritual being, I chose to come into the earth with its conditions, in physical bodies, and
with perfect patterns and guidance available for anything I need.  The Universe imposes no limitations, it is only the restraints that I believe in, accept or create for myself.  Onward and Upward.

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