Sunday, June 27, 2010

Chapter 8: Using the Laws to Create your Destiny

I think it has almost been a month now since my last blog. Honestly, I have been training to be a Hospice nurse and have just not had the energy to write. It has been a great month, full and challenging. We also had the annual Univera Convention here in Denver which was tremendous. This Chapter is about Karma. I have always been fascinated by different interpretations of the Karmic Laws. Modern usage of the word is explained as including anything that comes back to us as a result of our thoughts, words, and deeds-regardless of whether it occurred in a previous lifetime or in this one. I don't know about you, but whoa. How am I supposed to keep track?
The beauty is our mind creates the karma for our next opportunity to learn. Life is indeed a school. The Universe brings to you the experiences from which you can learn lessons. We all carry within us the total memory of all that we have done, seen, heard, said and experienced since our beginning as souls. The mind recognizes when we are ready for the experience we need and attracts that persons or creates the events needed for us to learn.

The Karmic laws are the laws of cause and effect. The effect can be either a new creation in your life or a karmic condition which you have unconsciously created to present you with a lesson that you need. All are opportunities for you to learn and grow. In this way you create your destiny. "Everything we have is what we want"-sometimes I really wonder about this. But by taking responsibility for what we have now is the key to releasing the power which is inherently available to us. The amazing fact is that the actual happenings are not important; what is important is your reaction to each event. How you react determines your destiny. By the simple process of substituting a higher reaction, you can totally change your life. This kind of choice of reaction will enable you to take the high road.

My goal is to react in a positive way. As I know very well, this is not always easy. This is so key, to really transform my life I need to react consciously to create positive results. I need to be aware of my reactions, then I can choose.
Interestingly if there are any disturbing, destructive, or chaoitic happenings in your life it may be telling you that something is wrong and you need to find a better way to react. If you can move to a higher consciousness you may be able to avoid more disastrous events happening in your life.

It is so easy to get karma-oriented that we do not realize that not all that happens to us is a result of karma. This may be a case of a specific mission for a lifetime. Also our feelings are not karmic; they are a reaction to a situation or happening-to some karma we are facing.

My goals are to take the high road, to find more joy in my life.


  1. Thank you for the new post to your blog. I'll have to consider your words before I can respond appropriately. (This could take days or even weeks.) I agree with finding maximum joy. Namaste, Diane

  2. When I think of Karma, I try not to think of it in the evil revenge if someone is mean to me saying, "karma will be a bitch to them", but sometimes it's difficult.

    Rather I try to focus on things like helping a stranger or friend at the time, and hoping someone will help me in my time of need. Like the relationship mom and I have.

    Earlier today I was watching the show called "Pranked" on MTV. A guy was fastening a rubber band around the sink sprayer so that when his roommate turned the faucet on it would get them wet. Well in the process of testing the prank, he slipped and hit his mouth on the sink's edge knocking out two teeth...karma beat him even before he was able to prank his friend. I thought this was funny the day I happened to watch that random show, your blog is on karma...sometimes the world isn't all coincidence.

  3. I thought of another thing about karma: when something "negative" happens, it's hard to determine whether it exists because you're paying for something, or you will be rewarded in the future. Like you said, it is exhausting to keep I like your logic-take the high road and find more joy in life!
