Sunday, July 25, 2010

Chapter 10: Why You Are Here

Chapter 10: Why You are Here

It is beautiful up here on Carpenter Mountain Ranch this summer. With the rain and the sun we have an abundance of wildflowers. The pine beetles are making their presence known, looking out over the valley about 15% of the trees are rust colored.
I am so grateful to be able to live here. I also feel this way about living on this Earth. Who of us has not asked, "why am I here?" I used to think I would be able to list "why I am here" on a piece of paper, but through my process of discovery I have narrowed it down to: I am here to become the goddess I am meant to be. How am I going to do this? I believe by re-establishing by connection with the Divine wisdom (the Creator), believing in this wisdom, having cosmic consciousness I can seek the high road to find joy, peace and purpose in my life.

Chapter 10 discusses Why You Are Here in accordance with the Universal Laws. If we do not understand our own nature and our purpose for being our lives will hold only limited meaning and we can find little true fulfillment. This knowledge will assist us in our transformation. As far as the Universal Laws are concerned it does not matter what your God-concept is. I do not seek to define God for that limits God, but I do need an understanding. For me Spirit is the source of light which is the source of Divine. I believe there is one Spirit, we are forms of the One Spirit. We are portions of God, you can call it a child of God or whatever suits you. You are a soul. This chapter talks about four great gifts.

The first great gift is that you were made in the image of Spirit. It was your soul which was made in the image of your Creator, not your body or your mind. Your soul is actually a portion of the Divine. This means that we carry the divine portion with us always. We do not need to go looking for God for it is within ourselves when we choose to attune to it. We are sparks of light, with the ability of creation and with knowledge of God. This means you have everything within yourself to make your life perfect realizing that "perfect" means exactly the right thing at the exactly the right time and place for the greatest good for self and others.

The second great gift is that we are endowed with life and consciousness. We have minds and consciousness enabling us to be aware of ourselves and others and of our existence. This allows are consciousness to know that we are not the whole but part of the Creator. Consciousness is not a function of our minds but of our soul. I call this Cosmic Consciousness.

The third great gift is that as souls we are eternal. There is no death. What we experience as a death is but a transition to another step into fulfillment of our purpose. We are never given more than what we can handle as long as we trust in Spirit. We are never left to go it alone.

The fourth great gift is that our souls are endowed with free will. With free will we can do whatever we choose to do with the gifts we have been given. This applies whether on this earth or in any other plane of existence. We still have to operate within the laws of the Universe. Your will is greater than any other influence in your life, by your will, you can proceed in accord with such patterns or counteract them as you choose.

The book discusses that we as souls lost our awareness of our own divine nature. To re-establish this connection to have Divine wisdom to guide us we need to attune ourselves, our vibrations, our consciousness to greater awareness of the Divine within. As we follow this guidance, our lives become more fulfilling, more satisying, more meaningful, more worthwhile.

The book states that without the infinite wisdom of the Divine within to lead us, we rely solely on intellect for guidance. Since intellect does not have the overall picture, we create difficulties and situations that are not completely fulfilling or satisfying. Our earthly experience is designed to bring us to the realization that we have a higher purpose than merely living life. We need to re-establish the connection with the Divine wisdom to guide us.

Which leads me back to becoming the goddess I am meant to be. What will this cost me? I give up nothing except pain and sorrow, struggle and fear. I move my limits from not knowing, now being aware, to the potential for knowing and complete awareness-to peace and joy, abundance and fulfilling relationships and happiness. It is the ultimate transformation, it is the high road of life.

1 comment:

  1. Alls I can say're totally the new ghandi!

    We talked about this that night we had a sleepover (s0 much fun). Lying in the guest bed in that pitch black room talking about life and how people alienate themselves from God by trying to find him in man-made organized religions when God is everywhere in all of us.

    I love the definition of a "perfect life": right thing at right time and place for goodness of all.

    I like how you circled back to your purpose being to become the goddess you are. And what does it cost? pain and sorrow...I read an article in Glamour last night about getting over someone (totally relevant to my life) and the last step (after crying, focusing on one self, analyzing the relationship,) literally said, "Move the eff on"!!!! and it had a tremendous quote that I can't stop repeating, "pain is inevitable, suffering is optional". We can't control if we fall, but we decide when to get back up!!!
